Parents/Students » Student/Parent Handbook

Student/Parent Handbook



How do we see our school?

The faculty, students and parents visualize Inglewood High School as a model California High School, which provides learning in a positive, safe, healthy environment with community participation. Students will be responsible, high achieving, life-long learners in a multi-cultural society. The academic goal of IHS is to challenges all students with a vigorous, strong and comprehensive standard-based curriculum that integrates academics, vocational and technological studies, which will provide successful student experiences.


How are we going to reach the vision?

Our mission is to provide a safe environment in which all students are academically strong, compassionate, socially and culturally conscious, self-confident citizens, through a challenging academic curriculum with emphasis on innovative instructional techniques including new paradigms, enhanced by student and staff commitment and responsibility, parental involvement and business partnerships.



Inglewood High School graduates will be:

  1. Self-directed learners who are able to demonstrate self-motivation, self-discipline and a high level of responsibility to accomplish achievable goals.
  2. Effective communicators, who are able to read, write, speak and listen reflectively and critically with a sense of purpose within a group and to an audience.
  3. Productive and collaborative workers who take pride in participating successfully and equitable in group projects, and use effective leadership and group skills with problem solving and critical thinking strategies to solve everyday problems.
  4. Contributing members of society who understand, accept, and respect the value of diverse viewpoints, beliefs, and cultures, which will enable them to make informed and responsible decisions.


School-Wide Discipline Policy

It’s simple:  RESPECT YOURSELF, RESPECT OTHERS, RESPECT OUR SCHOOL, and be RESPONSIBILE for your words and actions.

Students who do not follow school rules and procedures are subject to disciplinary action by a school official.  This action may take the form of lunch detention, after-school detention, and parent conference.  Other means of corrections may be included.

CLOSED CAMPUS- Students CANNOT leave the campus until the close of the school day without the permission of an administrator. Parents may pick up their child from the attendance office and must have a form of government identification, no exceptions.

Students coming to and arriving at Inglewood High School will:

  • Be courteous to all community members that live around the school;
  • Not leave without permission once on campus;
  • Follow all vehicle code laws and be courteous and safe drivers;
  • Have a current parking decal for your car (available from the main office)
  • Not sell food or drink items for personal funding.

Inglewood High School takes pride in the appearance of its students and faculty. Your dress reflects the quality of your school and the values of the community. All students are expected to dress and groom themselves neatly in a manner suitable for school activities. We ask that all students use good judgment and discretion in the choice of what is worn at school. When a student is attired in a manner that does not meet the school dress standards, or is likely to cause disruption or interference with the operation of the school, the student will be sent home and not readmitted until he/she is properly attired or groomed. Additional consequences will also be administered according to the IHS discipline policy. The administration will decide what is appropriate on a case-by-case manner.

Specific dress code guidelines for IHS students are as follows:

  • Shoes must be worn at all times because of health and safety reasons.
  • Shirts, tee shirts, or caps with pictures, drawings, words or implied references to illegal substances, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, vulgar or profane language, sexual connotations, violence or questionable slogans may not be worn at school.
  • No headgear such as hats, headbands, bandanas, hoods, etc. are to be worn by male or female students while on the Inglewood High School campus. IHS headgear is acceptable.
  • Nonprescription sunglasses are prohibited.
  • Muscle shirts, tank tops, midriff shirts, halter-tops, tube tops, and spaghetti strap tops are not appropriate in the school environment. Tops may be sleeveless; however, they must have a minimum 2” shoulder seam.  (They may be measured by the width of a credit card or student ID.)  The wearing of coats or rain jackets over inappropriate tops or any material that allows inappropriate attire to be seen is not acceptable.
  • The length of shorts, dresses, and skirts must be moderate and appropriate for an academic setting. Shorts, dresses, and skirts, including any slits, must be no shorter than 4 inches above the kneecap level around the leg.  This standard still applies even when wearing leggings.
  • Clothing which allows undergarments to be visible is not allowed. Pants must be worn at or above the waist.  Clothing must not expose the stomach, midriff or back area.

The wearing of personal adornments or embellishments that may be disruptive, cause health/safety problems, or may be related to gang attire is not acceptable. (Example: Chains, dog collars, studded bands, etc.)

ELECTRONICS POLICY- Per school policy students may use cellphones on school grounds during lunch only: Teachers reserve the right to incorporate cell phones as technology for instructional purposes.

Cell phones are NOT to be on or in use during class time, passing periods, school activities and any other time directed by school personnel.

  • Cellphone use shall NOT disrupt ANY educational program/activity. Violations may result in confiscation of the device.
  • Staff shall notify students and parents of district and school rules related to standards of behavior consistent with Inglewood Unified School District Policy and district procedures.
  • Students will NOT be allowed to charge their cellphones during the school day in classroom.
  • Using cell phone cameras to record altercations on school grounds or at school events is prohibited.  In such cases, phones may be confiscated as evidence.
  • The taking of photos or the recording of videos, whether by cell phone or any other device, in places where privacy is a reasonable expectation is strictly prohibited.  An incident of this nature could result in a sexual harassment violation.
  • – IHS administration and staff strongly encourage students not to bring any valuables to school including electronic devices due to the risk of loss or theft.  The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Education Code 48908:  All pupils shall comply with the regulations, pursue the required course of study and submit to the authority of the teachers of the school.

C.C.R. Title 5, Sec. 300:  Every student shall attend school punctually and regularly; conform to the regulations of the school, obey promptly all of the directions of his/her teacher and others in authority, observe good order and propriety of deportment, be diligent in study, respectful to his/her teacher and others in authority, kind and courteous to schoolmates, and refrain from the use of profane and vulgar language.  (Reg. 77, No. 39)

Standards of Behavior

PHYSICAL ALTERCATIONS- Fighting or physical attacks against students or ANY school personnel are against the law and will NOT be tolerated. Students who break this law will be suspended, reported to the police, or expulsion procedures will be initiated.
ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES- Students CANNOT use or be under the influence of tobacco products, drugs, or alcoholic beverages on campus. There is ZERO tolerance for drug possession, use and/or sales on this campus. If student breaks this law he/she will be suspended, reported to the police and expulsion procedures may be initiated. This is a high level offense.
WEAPONS- Weapons of any kind are NOT permitted on campus; this includes, but is not limited to
  • guns
  • knives
  • firecrackers.
Students found with weapons will be suspended immediately, reported to the police, and expulsion procedures will be initiated. There is ZERO tolerance for weapons on this campus!!!!!!!!!!!!  This is a level one offense.
  1. VANDALISM- Any student who damages defaces or writes on walls including graffiti, takes school property or the property of others will be suspended, cited for vandalism and expulsion procedures may be initiated. Students CANNOT carry permanent markers, i.e. sharpies, white out, scissors, or other sharp objects on campus. Consequences: verbal warning, detention/class suspension, parent conference/in-school suspension, expulsion.
  2. LOITERING- Students WILL NOT be permitted to loiter or create disturbances on campus. Student must have a pass; written or otherwise, from their teacher before leaving the classroom. NO passes will be given the first ten (10) and last ten (10) minutes of each class period.
  3. TRUANCY- Tardy sweeps will be performed randomly throughout the school day. Truancy tickets will be issued to ALL students caught out of class or in the wrong class during the tardy sweep. Parent conferences will be required.
  4. THEFT- Inglewood High School is NOT responsible for any property (i.e., jackets, electronic devices, etc.) that have been confiscated by the IHS staff for security purposes.
  5. TRANSPORTATION- Students are not allowed to ride or transport bikes, scooters, skateboards, or roller skates on campus. This is a hazard/safety issue. Students who violate this rule will have their items confiscated and held by the administration until a parent/guardian comes to claim it. An area on campus has been designated for these items; students are responsible for providing their own locks.
  6. PROFANITY- The use of profanity, abusive language, racially derogatory or sexual harassment remarks towards students, school personnel, or other persons on campus is strictly prohibited and NOT allowed.
  7. BALLOON/FLOWER BOUQUETS – Flower and balloon bouquets or other gift items are not to be delivered or brought to the classrooms.  They will be held in the attendance office until school is dismissed.
  8. FOOD AND DRINK IN CLASSROOMS – Food and drink are not allowed during normal classroom hours.
  1. GAMBLING – Gambling in any form is prohibited by state law.  Gambling is defined as wagering or betting money on the outcome of any activity.  Students who are involved in this activity may be suspended.  Students should not have dice, cards or anything that can be considered a gambling device in their possession at school.
  2. GUM – Gum is not allowed in the classroom.
  3. DEFIANCE- Open defiance of the authority of school personnel either by behavior, verbal abuse or gestures is NOT permitted. Consequences: 1st: verbal warning, 2nd: detention/class suspension, 3rd: parent conference/in-school suspension.
  4. GANG ACTIVITY-Gang activity of any kind is NOT permitted and will result in suspension from school and an alternate placement will be found.


Consequences: 1st: verbal warning, 2nd: detention/class suspension, 3rd: parent conference/in-school suspension.  Alternate means of correction will be utilized at all levels where applicable.

Offenses are assigned a level based on the seriousness of the offense, the disruption to the learning environment and the level of threat to the safety of students and staff.

Level 4:  Offenses are minor acts of misconduct that interfere with the orderly operation of the classroom, a school function, extracurricular/co-curricular program, or approved transportation.

Level 3:  Offenses are acts of misconduct that are more serious or disruptive than Level 4 offenses. Level 3 also includes repeated acts of Level 4 offenses, and acts directed against people or property that do not seriously endanger the health or safety of others

Level 2:  Infractions are major acts of misconduct. They include repeated misconduct acts from Levels 3 & 4, serious disruptions of school order and threats to the health, safety and property of others.  Level 2 offenses may result in a suspension, possible recommendation for expulsion and/or referral to law enforcement.

Level 1:  Acts of misconduct are the most serious offenses. A disciplinary referral will be submitted to the appropriate administrator for these offenses. Level 1 offense will result in a suspension with a possible recommendation for expulsion, alternative placement and/or referral to law enforcement school officer.

The administration reserves the right to modify the discipline guidelines as needed to insure all students are provided safe learning environment.

General Classroom Rules

  • Students are not dismissed by the sound of the bell; they are dismissed by the teacher.
  • Students are expected to do their best in all classes and to do all of their homework assignments.
  • Students are expected to be active learners and contribute to a positive classroom environment.
  • Students are expected to bring all necessary books and supplies.


Classroom discipline will be handled by each individual teacher.  Serious discipline problems or classroom disruptions will be referred to the appropriate administrator

Seniors violating any school rules and policies may lose the privilege of participating in senior activities (Prom, Senior Breakfast, Graduation Ceremony, etc.)



  • An absence shall be defined as not being present at any time during the class period.  Absences, which are excused under State Attendance Rules, include
  • Personal illness (a physician’s statement may be required)
  • Death in immediate family
  • Family illness
  • Religious holiday (prior approval is required)
  • Visitation with a parent on leave from active military duty.
  • Court appearance
  • Doctor or dental appointments which cannot be scheduled at times other than school hours.  (Please bring a doctors statement back.)
  • School-Sponsored Activities – Students shall be marked present when participating in a school–sponsored activity away from the school building
  • Prior approval by an Administrator.
  • Attendance records shall be transferred from one class to another when a schedule change is made.
  • All student absences will require documentation.  Official documentation is required for an absence to be excused under California State Law. Official documentation includes doctor’s notes, court notices, religious holiday notification, and obituary notices.  Parent notes will be required for absences not covered by official documentation.

Under the Rules, Regulations, and Minimum Standards set forth by the California State Board of Education, each pupil shall have attained an approved attendance record to meet the requirements for graduation.  In order to comply with this regulation the Inglewood High School attendance policy, states that every student is required to be in regular, punctual attendance.

If a student is absent, the parent should notify the Attendance Office.  Students are allowed to make up work from an excused absence within five days after the student returns.  Students are to provide the attendance office with a written excuse from the parent or guardian on the first day back after absences.   The student will then be issued an excused or unexcused slip and must present it to all teachers so the teacher can document the absence as excused or unexcused.  The student must request the make-up work for an excused absence or tardy and schedule a time for make-up work. Teachers reserve the right to refuse make-up work for unexcused absences.


A tardy shall be defined as not being in the classroom when the tardy bell rings, however, students that are late to class due to administrators, guidance counselors and other similar school related activities will be admitted to class and will not be counted tardy with an admit slip.

After the attendance report has been entered, students who are tardy without a re-admit must go to the attendance office for a tardy slip. The attendance office will determine whether a tardy is excused or unexcused.

FOR COURT PURPOSES ONLY: Students should be aware that tardies WILL be counted at truancy board or truancy court toward an unexcused absence (three [3] tardies equals one [1] unexcused absence).





Work missed because of any absence, which is excused through the attendance office with proper notes or documentation, may be made up within five(5) school days upon the student’s return.  The first day the student returns counts as day one.  It is the student’s responsibility to get the make-up work assignment and arrange a time with the teacher if needed. Work that was due or a test that was scheduled on the day that the student missed is due the day that the student returns to school. Students are encouraged to exchange contact information with at least three students in each class in order to obtain missing assignments while absent.


Students who have excused absences shall be allowed to make up the exam/test missed.  If the exam/test is not made up on the day of return, an alternative make-up test may be given.  The type of exam and time of make-up may be at the discretion of the teacher.


  • All students are encouraged to take pride in their school and show their pride by keeping the classrooms, restrooms, buildings, and grounds clean and litter free. Students should never write graffiti on walls or buildings.  Graffiti and/or any form of vandalism will result in expulsion/suspension and/or monetary restoration.
  • Textbooks are on loan to students. Students and parents are responsible for the loss or damage of books.  All textbooks should be kept covered.
  • Magic markers, spray paints or any items that might be used to deface school property are not to be brought to school. They will be confiscated.


Penal code 628.5 Pupils right to Attend Safe Schools:

The Legislature hereby recognizes that ALL pupils enrolled in the California public schools have the inalienable right to attend classes on campuses that are SAFE, SECURE, and PEACEFUL

Students at Inglewood High School during lunch will:

  • Eat food and remain in designated areas;
  • Wait patiently in lines and not cut in front of classmates;
  • Not litter and clean up after themselves. Trash cans are located all over the campus specifically for this purpose.
  • Not buy food or drinks after the warning bell has rung; and
  • Go directly to the food lines and not wait until lunch is almost over to get one’s lunch.
Students as they leave Inglewood High School campus will:
  • Not loiter on campus and/or in local businesses;
  • Represent Inglewood High School with pride by respecting local residences and businesses;
  • Follow all directions given by the supervising adults; and


Wait for parents/guardians in front of the school, if being picked up. 

California State Education Code Section 48900—Discipline 

A pupil shall not be suspended from school or recommended for expulsion, unless the superintendent or the principal of the school in which the pupil is enrolled determines that the pupil has committed an act as defined pursuant to any of subdivisions (a) to (r), inclusive:

(a)   (1) Caused, attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury to            another person

(2) Willfully used force or violence upon the person of another, except in self-     defense.

(b) Possessed, sold, or otherwise furnished a firearm, knife, explosive, or other dangerous object, unless, in the case of possession of an object of this type, the pupil had obtained written permission to possess the item from a certificated school employee, which is concurred in by the principal or the designee of the principal.

(c) Unlawfully possessed, used, sold, or otherwise furnished, or been under the influence of, a controlled substance listed in Chapter 2 (commencing with section 11053) of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code, an alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind.

(d) Unlawfully offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell a controlled substance listed in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 11053) of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code, an alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind, and either sold, delivered, or otherwise furnished to a person another liquid, substance, or material and represented the liquid, substance, or material as a controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant.

(e) Committed or attempted to commit robbery or extortion.

(f) Caused or attempted to cause damage to school property or private property.

(g) Stolen or attempted to steal school property or private property.

(h) Possessed or used tobacco, or products containing tobacco or nicotine products, including, but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, miniature cigars, clove cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, snuff, chew packets, and betel.  However, this section does not prohibit use or possession by a pupil of his or her own prescription products.

(i) Committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity.

(j) Unlawfuly possessed or unlawfully offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell drug paraphernalia, as defined in Section 11014.5 of the Health and Safety Code.

(k) Disrupted school activities or otherwise willfully defied the valid authority of supervisors, teachers, administrators, school officials, or other school personnel engaged in the performance of their duties.

(l) Knowingly received stolen school property or private property.

(m) Possessed an imitation firearm.  As used in this section, “imitation firearm” means a replica of a firearm that is so substantially similar in physical properties to an existing firearm as to lead a reasonable person to conclude that the replica is a firearm.

(n) Committed or attempted to commit a sexual assault as defined in Sction 261, 266c, 286, 288, 288a, or 289 of the Penal Code or committed a sexual battery as defined in Section 243.4 of the Penal Code.

(o) Harassed, threatened, or intimidated a pupil who is a complaining witness or a witness in a school disciplinary proceeding for the purpose of either preventing that pupil from being a witness or retaliating against that pupil for being a witness, or both.

(p) Unlawfully offered, arranged to sell, negotiated to sell, or sold the prescription drug Soma.

(q) Engaged in, or attempted to engage in, hazing.  For purposes of this subdivision, “hazing” means a method of initiation or pre-initiation into a pupil organization or body, whether or not the organization or body is officially recognized by an educational institution, which is likely to cause serious bodily injury or personal degradation or disgrace resulting I physical or mental harm to a former, current, or prospective pupil.  For purposes of this subdivision, “hazing” does not include athletic events or school-sanctioned events.

(r) Engaged in an act of bullying.  For purposes of this subdivision, the following terms have the following meanings:

(1) “Bullying” means any severe or pervasive physical or verbal act or conduct, including communications made in writing or by means of an electronic act, and including one or more acts committed by a pupil or group of pupils as defined in Section 48900.2, 48900.3, or 48900.4, directed toward one or more pupils that has or can be reasonable predicted to have the effect of one or more of the following:

(A) Placing a reasonable pupil or pupils in rear of harm to that pupil’s or those pupils’ person or property;

(B) Causing a reasonable pupil to experience a substantially detrimental effect on his or her physical or mental health.

(C)  Causing a reasonable pupil to experience substantial interference with his or her ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by a school.

(2)  “Electronic act” means the transmission of a communication, including, but not limited to, a message, text, sound, or image, or a post on a social network Internet Web site, by means of an electronic device, including, but not limited to a telephone, wireless telephone or other wireless communication device, computer or pager.

(3)  “Reasonable Pupil” means a pupil, including, but not limited to, an exceptional needs pupil, who exercises average care, skill, and judgment in conduct for a person of his or her age, or for a person of his or her age with his or her exceptional needs.

(s)  A pupil shall not be suspended or expelled for any of the acts enumerated in this section, unless that act is related to school activity or school attendance occurring within a school under the jurisdiction of the superintendent of the school district or principal or occurring within any other school district.  A pupil may be suspended or expelled for acts that are enumerated in this section and related to school activity or attendance that occur at any time, including, but not limited to, any of the following:

(1) While on school grounds.

(2) While going to or coming from school.

(3) During the lunch period whether on or off the campus.

(4) During or while going to or coming from a school-sponsored activity.

(t)  A pupil who aids or abets as defined in Section 31 of the Penal code, the infliction or attempted infliction of physical injury to another person may be subject to suspension, but not expulsion, pursuant to this section, except that a pupil who has been adjudged by a juvenile court to have committed, as an aider and abettor, a crime of physical violence in which the victim suffered great bodily injury or serious bodily injury shall be subject to discipline pursuant to subdivision (a).

(u)  As used in this section, “school property” includes, but is not limited to, electronic files and databases.

(v)  A superintendent of the school district or principal may use his or her discretion to provide alternatives to suspension or expulsion, including, but not limited to, counseling and an anger management program for a pupil subject to discipline under this section. 

(w)  It is the intent of the Legislature that alternatives to suspension or expulsion be imposed against a pupil who is truant, tardy, or otherwise absent from school activities.


48900.2 Through 48900.7

48900.2          Sexual Harassment

In addition to the reasons specified in Section 48900, a pupil may be suspended from school or recommended for expulsion if the superintendent or the principal of the school in which the pupil is enrolled determines that the pupil has committed sexual harassment as defined in Section 212.5.  For the purposes of this chapter, the conduct described in Section 212.5 must be considered by a reasonable person of the same gender as the victim to be sufficiently severe or pervasive to have a negative impact upon the individual’s academic performance or to create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment.  This section shall not apply to pupils enrolled in kindergarten and grades 1 to 3, inclusive.

48900.3          Act of Hate Violence

In addition to the reasons set forth in Sections 48900 and 48900.2, a pupil in any of grades 4 to 12, inclusive, may be suspended from school or recommended for expulsion if the superintendent or the principal of the school in which the pupil is enrolled determines that the pupil has caused, attempted to cause, threatened to cause, or participated in an act of, hate violence, as defined in subdivision € of Section 233.

48900.4          General Harassment

In addition to the grounds specified in Sections 48900 and 48900.2, a pupil enrolled in any of grades 4 to 12, inclusive, may be suspended from school or recommended for expulsion if the superintendent or the principal of the school in which the pupil is enrolled determines that the pupil has intentionally engaged in harassment, threats, or intimidation, directed against school district personnel or pupils, that is sufficiently severe or pervasive to have the actual and reasonably expected effect of materially disrupting class work, creating substantial disorder, and invading the rights of either school personnel or pupils by creating an intimidating or hostile educational environment.

48900.5          Suspension

Suspension shall be imposed only when other means of correction fail to bring about proper conduct.  However, a pupil, including an individual with exceptional needs, as defined in Section 56026, may be suspended for any of the reasons enumerated in Section 48900 upon a first offense, if the principal or superintendent of schools determines that the pupil violated subdivision (a), (b), (c), (d), or (e) of Section 48900 or that the pupil’s presence causes a danger to persons or property or threatens to disrupt the instructional process.

48900.6          Instead of Disciplinary Action

As part of or instead of disciplinary action prescribed by this article, the principal of a school, the principal’s designee, the superintendent of schools, or the governing board may require a pupil to perform community service on school grounds or, with written permission of the parent or guardian of the pupil, off school grounds, during the pupil’s non-school hours.  For the purposes of this section, “community service” may include, but is not limited to, work performed in the community or on school grounds in the areas of outdoor beautification, community or campus betterment, and teacher, peer, or youth assistance programs.  This section does not apply if a pupil has been suspended, pending expulsion, pursuant to Section 48915.  However, this section applies if the recommended expulsion is not implemented or is, itself, suspended by stipulation or other administrative action.

48900.7          Terroristic Threats Against School Officials,

School Property or Both

(a)  In addition to the reasons specified in Sections 48900, 48900.2, 48900.3 and 48900.4, a pupil may be suspended from school or recommended for expulsion if the superintendent or the principal of the school in which the pupil enrolled determines that the pupil has made terroristic threats against school officials or school property or both.

(b)  For the purposes of this section, “terroristic threat” shall include any statement, whether written or oral, by a person who will fully threatens to commit a crime which will result in death, great bodily injury to another person, or property damage in excess of one thousand dollars ($1,000), with the specific intent that the statement is to be taken as a threat, even if there is no intent of actually carrying it out, which, on its face and under the circumstances in which it is made, is so unequivocal, unconditional, immediate, and specific as to convey to the person threatened, a gravity of purpose and an immediate prospect of execution of the threat, and thereby causes that person reasonably to be in sustained fear for his or her own safety or for his or her immediate family’s safety, or for the protection of school district property, or the personal property of the person threatened or his or her immediate family.

Juvenile Citations: 

The following disciplinary violations are subject to citations from school police and/or other police agencies:

  1. P.C. 415               Disturbing the Peace on School Grounds
  2. Fighting
  3. P.C. 308b Minor in Possession of Tobacco Products
  4. Smoking cigarettes/lighters/chewing tobacco
  5. P.C. 488               Petty theft (Under $400.00)
  6. Stealing
  7. P.C. 487               Grand theft (Over $400.00)
  8. Stealing
  9. P.C. 594               Vandalism
  10. Defacing with graffiti
  11. Destruction of school or private property
  12. P.C. 653m            Threatening or harassing Phone Calls
  13. B&PC 25608       Possess Alcohol on School Grounds
  14. Any alcoholic beverage
  15. B&PC 25658       Minor consuming Alcohol
  16. Under the Influence of Alcohol
  17. H&S C 11357e    Possession of Marijuana on School Grounds
  18. H&S C 11364 Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
  19. Pipes, Zig-Zag papers, roach clips, homemade tools to do drugs, syringes
  20. H&S C Possession or use of controlled Sustances listed In Chapter 2 not mentioned above

The following are violations for which a student may be arrested:

404.6 Inciting a riot;
Urges fight to continue or urge others to commit acts of force or violence.
489 Grand Theft (Over $400);
Student intentionally steals an item that is worth over $400.

H&S 11359 

Possession for sale of Marijuana Large quantity/large amount of money/drugs are packaged

1708.5 Sexual Battery

A student acts with the intent to cause a harmful or offensive contact with an intimate part of another, and sexually offensive contact with another by the use of his or her intimate part, and a sexually offensive contact with that person directly or indirectly results.

243.2 Battery

A battery is any willful use of force or violence upon another person.

245 Assault with a Deadly Weapon

Any person who commits an assault upon the person of another with a deadly weapon or instrument or by any means of force likely to produce great bodily injury.                                            


Kicking someone when they are down                                                              

P Hitting someone repeatedly with an object without the other person being able to defend him or herself.

422 Terroristic Threats

A person who will fully threatens to commit a crime that will result in death or great bodily injury to another person.

C 626.10 Dirk, Dagger, Knife Possession of a knife having blade longer than 2 ½ inches, folding knife with a blade that locks into place, or blade that is sharpened on both sides.

Other disciplinary Issues that will result in being given consequences:

Education Code 48907:  Limits for Students’ Freedom of Expression

Expression shall be prohibited if it is obscene, libelous, or

Written expression that creates a clear and present danger of commission of unlawful school regulations or the substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the

Education Code 48901:  Smoking or the uses of tobacco products are prohibited.

Education Code 48211:  Filthy or vicious habits.

Education code 48901.5—Electronic devices and iPods:  The governing board of each school district, or its designee, may regulate the possession or use of any electronic signaling device and iPods that operates through the transmission or receipt of radio waves, including, but not limited to, paging and signaling equipment, by pupils of the school district while the pupils are on campus, while attending school-sponsored activities, or while under the supervision and control of school district employees.

Unauthorized use of an electronic device and/or iPods will cause the item to be confiscated and taken to the office of the appropriate grade level administrator.

Electronic devices and accessories, i.e., cell phones, iPods, earbuds, etc., may not be used, visible or audible at any time during school hours. Teacher may make an exception for instructional purposes.

Other Important Information

Individual Searches:  The school officials may search individual students and their property including vehicles, when there is a reasonable suspicion that the search will uncover evidence that the student is violating the law or rules of the district or the school.

The Right to Search Students with Metal Detectors:  The Inglewood Unified School District School Board finds that the presence of weapons in the schools threatens the district’s ability to provide the safe and orderly environment to which our students and staff are entitled.  The School Board also finds that random metal detector searches offer a reasonable means to keep weapons out of the schools and mitigate the fears of the students and staff.

Uniform Complaint Procedure:  It is the goal of the Inglewood Unified School District to ensure compliance with applicable state and federal regulations.  For more information regarding Uniform Complaint Procedures or assistance with the process, please contact the Inglewood Unified School District, 401 South Inglewood Avenue, Inglewood, CA  90301    310-419-2700.

Graduation Requirements:

Graduation is based upon successful completion of 230 semester units of credit in grades 9 thru 12 and the passage of the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE).  The California Education Code, the California Administrative Code, and the policy decision of the Inglewood Unified School Board of Education specify  that all classes must be passed with a “D” or higher in order to receive credit.  Use the guide below to help you keep on track with your units:

60 credits earned by the end of 9th grade

120 credits earned by the end of 10th grade

180 credits earned by the end of 11th grade

If you fall behind in credits, you will need to see your counselor for intervention classes, when available.

Students who are not succeeding at Inglewood High School may be recommended for continuation high school; Inglewood High School reserves the right to involuntarily transfer credit-deficient students to continuation high school.

18 year olds who are not on track to graduation with their class and/or are demonstrating poor attendance/behavior, may be dropped to Adult Education.

E.C. 44811:  Administration reserves the right to withhold any and all school privileges.

Progress Reports and Report Cards:

Progress reports will be calculated twice a semester.  Grades will be given at the end of each semester.  ONLY semester grades are given credit value.

Academic Medals and Awards:

Students taking advanced placement courses and/or some honors courses will receive a weighted GPA which will be used to determine who is eligible for awards and/or recognition.

UC A-G Academic Requirements

History/Social Science—2 years required

Two years of history/social science to include:  one year of U.S. History or one-half year of U.S. History and one-half year of civics or American Government: and one year of World History, Culture, and Geography

English—4 years required

Four years of college preparatory English that includes frequent and regular writing, and reading of classic and modern literature.  Not more than two semesters of grade 9 English can be used to meet this requirement.

Mathematics—3 years required, 4 recommended

Three years, including elementary algebra, geometry, and second year (advanced) algebra. Mathematics courses taken in grades 7 and 8 may be used to fulfill part of this requirement, if the high school accepts them as equivalent to its own courses.

Laboratory Science—2 years required, 3 recommended

Two years of laboratory science providing fundamental knowledge in at least two of these three areas: biology, chemistry, and physics. Lab courses in earth/space  sciences are acceptable if they have a prerequisite or provide basic knowledge in biology, chemistry or physics. Not more than one year of grade 9 lab science can be used to meet this requirement.

Language Other than English—2 years required, 3 recommended

Two years of the same language other than English.  Courses should emphasize speaking and understanding, and include instruction in grammar, vocabulary, reading and composition.

Visual and Performing Arts—1 year required

UC is sending guidelines of courses that will meet this requirement to all high schools.  Students should consult their high school guidance counselor when selecting a course to fulfill this requirement.

College Preparatory Electives—1 year required

Two units (four semesters) in addition to those required in “a-e” above, chosen from the following areas: Visual and performing arts, history, social science, English, advanced mathematics, laboratory science, and language other than English (a third year in the language used for the “e” requirement or two years of another language).

CSU Subject Requirements


Four years


Three years

United States History and        

One year



One year with laboratory

Foreign Language                    

Two years in the same language (subject to waiver for applicants who demonstrate equivalent competence)

Visual and Performing Arts      

One year


Three years (courses selected from English, advanced Mathematics, Social Studies, laboratory Science, Agriculture, Foreign Language, and the Visual and Performing Arts).



Community Colleges (CC)

California StateUniversity (CSU)

University ofCalifornia (UC)

Private Colleges

Colleges Statewide




Over 70

Local schools in each college system

LACC, ELAC, LA Southwest, LA Trade Tech, Harbor, West LA, Long Beach, El Camino, Santa Monica, Pasadena, Compton,  etc.

CSU Los Angeles, Northridge, Dominguez Hills, Long Beach, Fullerton, Cal Poly Pomona, etc.


USC< Stanford, Pepperdine, LaVerne, Loyola, Marymount, Claremont, Redlands, Occidental, etc.

Nature of Program and Curriculum

Two-year schoolsPTransfer classes

PAA/AS degrees

PVocational certificates

PConcurrent enrollment (for high school students)

Four year schools with graduate & professional programs:PVarious majors, depends on campus

PBA, BS, MA and MS degrees

PDoctorate & professional degrees (i.e., law, medicine, dentistry)

PTeaching credentials

Four year schools with graduate & professional programs:PVarious majors, depends on campus

PBA, BS, MA and MS degrees

PDoctorate & professional degrees (i.e., law, medicine, dentistry)

PTeaching credentials







Costs:  Fees and/or Tuition (does not include room and board, books or other supplies)Based on 2011-2012 year


Approx. $1,000 per year

($36 per unit)



Approx. $6,489

per year



Approx. $13,200

Per year




Per year

Funded by:

Public tax monies and student fees

Public tax monies and student fees

Public tax monies and student fees

Private funds and tuition fees

Subject andGPA



















No subject or GPA requirements; must be 18 years old or high school graduate







No college entrance exams required; college placement exam for enrollment in certain courses is required.

Graduate HS; meet eligibility index, minimum of 2.0 GPA; full pattern of A-G subject requirements completed w/grades of C or better




SAT Reasoning Test and/or ACT

A-G Academic subject requirements completed with Cs or better; At least a 3.0 GPA and meet; only UC approved courses calculated in GPA (grades 10-12).


SAT Reasoning Test and/or ACT; Subject Tests recommended.

Prefer students who have met UC entrance requirements.  Above 2.5 GPA (grades 9-12).






SAT Reasoning Test or ACT; some require SAT Subject Tests.  Check catalogs for specific test requirements.


Source:  UCLA Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP);


  • PSAT/NMSQT (Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test)—a short form of the SAT I. PSAT/NMSQT offers students the opportunity to gain experience taking standardized college admissions exams.  For eleventh graders taking the PSAT/NMSQT, the exam can qualify students for National Merit Scholarship Funds.
  • SAT I (Scholastic Assessment Test I)—a three hour multiple choice test that measures verbal and mathematical skills necessary for success in college work. The SAT I is scored on a scale of 200—800.  Most colleges and universities require the SAT I for admission.
  • SAT II (Scholastic Assessment Test II)—exams are offered in a variety of subjects and are designed to measure specific accomplishments and knowledge in a single field. Most of the exams are multiple choice, with the exception of the Writing Subject Test which contains a twenty minute essay.  Each SAAT II exam is scored on a scale of 200-800.  The University of California and some private universities require three SAT II exams (Math level 1 or 2, the Writing Subject, and a third exam of your choice).
  • ACT (American College Testing Program)—the exam is divided into four parts; English usage, Mathematics usage, Social Science Reading, and Natural Sciences Reading. There are four scores for the ACT—one for each of the individual exams.  The composite score is the score most often used for admission purposes by universities and colleges.  The ACT composite score is scored on a scale of 1 – 35.  The ACT exam can be used for admissions into most universities and colleges.
  • AP Exams (Advanced Placement)-AP exams are offered in a variety of subjects. The tests are approximately three hours and combine written, objective, and aural selections.  The AP examinations are used as measures of college achievement, and are scored on a scale of 1 to 5.  A minimum score of 3 is required to be granted college credit.


Students should take the following exams during the specified month and the SAT II exam if the stated course has been completed.

9th Grade Students


SAT II—June only

World History (Honors or AP preferred)

Math Level 1 (upon completion of Algebra 2)

Language (completion of 3rd year preferred)

10th Grade Students




SAT II—June only

Math Level 1 (upon completion of Algebra 2)

Biology of Chemistry (Honors or AP preferred)

Language (completion of 3rd year preferred)

11th Grade Students


ACT—December, February, April

SAT I—November, January, April, May

SAT II—June only

Chemistry or Physics (Honors or AP preferred)

Math Level 1 (upon completion of Algebra 2)

Math Level 2 (upon completion of Trig/Math Analysis or Calculus)

Language (completion of 3rd year preferred)

US History (Honors or AP preferred)

12th Grade Students

ACT—October or December (if necessary)

SAT I—October, November or December (if necessary) 

SAT II—November or December

Questions for College Representatives


Will I feel welcome at your college?

Are there many students like me at your college?

(Students with the same ethnicity, religion, hometown, ability/disability levels, political views, musical taste, wardrobe style, etc.)

What sort of support services does your college offer?

Are there organization for students with the same interests as I have?


What is the average GPA and SAT/ACT of your typical admitted freshman?

What percentage of your graduates go onto graduate or professional school?

What percentage of your freshmen return for their sophomore year?

What are your most popular majors?

Do I have to declare a major right away?

How easy is it to change my major?

What courses are offered in my major?

Can I design my own major?  Can I double major?

Do you have tutoring services, if I need them?

What is your typical student to faculty ratio?

Are there core classes that I have to take?  What are they?

Will I have opportunities to work directly with professors on research projects?

Will professors or graduate students be teaching my classes?

How accessible are my professors if I have questions or need extra help?

Hom competitive or supportive is the academic spirit of the students?

Can I study abroad?  For how long?  How much will it cost?

Do you have an honors program?  How do I qualify to get into it?

Do you have plenty of computer labs, if I don’t have my own computer?


Can I choose my roommate?

Can I change my roommate, if we don’t get along?

Do you have residence halls or apartments? 

How many students share a living space?

Are there coed/single sex/healthy living/quiet/special interest halls?

Do you have curfews?  Are the residence halls locked to outsiders?

Are there laundry/cooking/workout facilities in the residence halls?

How do your meal plans work?  How good is the food?

Are there restaurants/take out and delivery places nearby?

What do students do for fun?

Do students typically leave campus on the weekends?

What recreational facilities are nearby?

Are there shuttles to nearby cities/colleges/airports/recreation areas?

What do you like best and least about this college?

Academic Dishonesty:

Deliberately using electronic devices including, but not limited to, unauthorized materials, information or study aids, text messages, picture taking, etc. is prohibited during class time, tests administered in any room, and will result in disciplinary action and/or academic consequences.

Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • Obtaining information from another student during an examination;
  • Communicating information to another student during an examination;
  • Knowingly allowing another student to copy one’s work;
  • Offering another person’s work as one’s own;
  • Using an unauthorized electronic device to solicit, transmit, or search for answers;
  • Taking an examination for another student or having someone take an examination for oneself;
  • Sharing answers for a take-home examination unless specifically authorized by the teacher;
  • Using unauthorized material during an examination;
  • Altering a graded examination or assignment and returning it for additional credit, under the pretense that the teacher made an error;
  • Having another person or a company do the research and/or writing of an assigned paper or report;
  • Misreporting or altering the data in laboratory or research project;
  • Using social network to post your exams or to give answers to tests.
  • Using electronic devices to photograph portions of any test.



Other Dishonest Conduct:

  • Stealing or attempting to steal an examination or answer key;
  • Stealing or attempting to change official academic records;
  • Intentionally impairing the performance of other students and/or a teacher, for example, changing laboratory samples or reagents, by altering musical or athletic equipment, or by creating a distraction meant to inhibit the performance of other students;
  • Changing computer and/or grade book records or forgery of signatures for the purpose of academic advantage;
  • Forgery of signature on official school documents;
  • Destroying or ruining the work of others;
  • Changing computer passwords so that only you can access the computer prohibiting all students from using the computer;
  • Collusion when a student or students knowingly help each other perform an act of academic dishonesty.

Textbook Policy:

  • Textbooks are school district property and purchased with taxpayer money.
  • Textbooks are barcoded with a 14 digit barcode number each one unique to the book that it is attached to.
  • Each barcode contains the following information: Title, Author, info about the specific book and 2. The name of the person who checked out that particular book.
  • When a textbook is checked out to an individual student, he/she is responsible for that particular book with the barcode attached to it that matches the book’s barcode.
  • If a student turns in a textbook for a class that he/she said he/she checked out, but the barcode reads that the book was checked out to a different student, then the student still owes payment for their book.
  • If a student loses a book, then he or she is responsible for payment of the book
  • If a student destroys a book with: graffiti, 2. torn pages, etc. then that student is responsible for full payment of the book.  A fine slip will be made out by the librarian with a copy kept for files.  The student must go to the student store with the fine slip pay for the book and return to the librarian with a signed slip that he or she paid for the book.


Athletic Eligibility

Inglewood High School has 17 boys and girls athletic teams.  The rules and regulations for participation on athletic teams are prescribed by the California Interscholastic Federation (C.I.F.) and are the same for boys’ and girls’ athletics.  According to C.I.F. 20 (205.A) (205.B) that in order to be eligible to compete in interscholastic athletics, the students must:

  1. Be passing 30 units of current work each semester;
  2. Have received passing grades in all subjects as of the first day of the previous quarter (summer sessions have no bearing on eligibility);
  3. Have satisfactorily passed a physical examination;
  4. Have a satisfactory record in citizenship;
  5. Have adequate insurance as prescribed by state law;
  6. Be under 19 years of age as of September 1 of current year;
  7. Maintain a 2.0 G.P.A.; and
  8. Purchase an ASB Card.

Athletics and Extra –Curricular Activities

Inglewood High School offers students a comprehensive sports program.  We, the faculty members encourage all students to participate in extra-curricular activities at Inglewood High School.  However, no student at Inglewood High School can participate in athletics of extra-curricular activities without having at least a 2.0 grade point avera (G.P.A.).  Parents, colleges/universities are looking for students with strong academics, good grades, good citizenship/conduct, good attendance, and good social and communication skills.

Tutorial Sessions Required

Students who participate in extra-curricular activities are required to attend scheduled tutorial sessions prior to practice. The scholars club is offered in the library several days a week; please check with your teacher, counselor or administrator for dates and times.


Football—Varsity, Sophomore and Freshman

Girls’ Volleyball—Varsity and Junior Varsity


Boys’ Basketball—Varsity and Junior Varsity, Sophomore and Freshmen

Girls’ Basketball—Varsity and Junior Varsity

Boys’ Soccer—Varsity and Junior Varsity

Girls’ Soccer—Varsity and Junior Varsity


Baseball-Varsity and Junior Varsity

Boys’ Track—Varsity

Girls’ Track—Varsity

Boys’ Volleyball—Varsity

Boys’ Tennis—Varsity

Girls’ Softball—Varsity and Junior Varsity


All Year Sport and Extra-curricular

Band, Drill Team, and Tall Flags



School Hours for Students

School hours are from 8:15 a.m. until 2:49 p.m. for all students.  When the warning bell rings at 8:09 a.m., all students are to report to their first period class by 8:15 a.m.  All students are required and expected to be in their classroom seats when the tardy bell rings.


Breakfast is served every day in the cafeteria from 7:40 a.m. thru at 8:05 a.m.


The library is open from 7:15 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. and during lunch.  A signed library pass is required for admittance into the library during instructional time.

Counseling Offices

The Counseling staff is available from 7:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Their offices are located in the southeast wing of the A-building.  All college and career information can be obtained from your counselor.

Main Office

The Main Office is in the A-building and open from 7:15 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.

Attendance Office

The Attendance Office is located in the B-Building and open from 7:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.

Student Store

The Student Store is open from 9:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. and is located in the F-building facing the courtyard.


Warning Bell 8:05 a.m.

Period 1                                                 8:15 – 9:10

Period 2                                                 9:14 – 10:15

Period 3                                                  10:19 – 11:14

Period 4                                                  11:18 – 12:13

**** Lunch ****

Period 5                                                  12:53 – 1:48

Period 6                                                  1:54 – 2:49