Parents/Students » Study Guidelines

Study Guidelines


  1. Start with your most difficult assignment while you have the most energy.
  2. Learn how to review.  Look over the material in your book and in your notes; prepare questions for the next day and list anything of which you are uncertain.
  3. Learn to concentrate.  Turn off the radio, T.V. and phone and eliminate interruptions.  Time your concentration span.  Set time for five minutes and then increase the time.
  4. Learn how to take breaks when you are studying.  See how to work best.  See how you work best ten-minute break every hour?  A five-minute break every ½ hour?  Eat, exercise or socialize during your break, whichever suits you.
  5. Break big assignments into smaller one.  (Example:  two weeks to a project – first week do the research and second week – write the paper, build the model or whatever is due.)
  6. Take time to understand the assignment fully.
  7. Save all quizzes for review for tests and save all tests for review exams.
  8. Be present and pay attention on test or exam review days.
  9. Get an overview of your assignment:  What are the main parts?  What are the subdivisions?
  10. Be aware of key words:  because; in addition; later; therefore; in spite of; along with; on the other hand, etc.
  11. Outline or group ideas so that their relationships are clear.
  12. Taking notes in class from teacher lectures is a good habit.  Use your own words and use as few words as possible for an idea.
  13. List spelling works, vocabulary words, etc., on index cards for memorizing.
  14. Use four of your senses to learn.  See the word/information; write the word/information; listen to the word information (you may use a tape recorder); say the word/information.
  15. Stick to one subject until finished.
  16. Read aloud a written assignment to show you have clearly stated the information.
  17. Read directions twice for understanding.
  18. Break the directions up into parts if possible.  First do this, next do this, etc.  Make a list of the steps.
  19. Make up sample questions for yourself as a review for a test.
  20. Use association of items familiar to you when learning facts.
  21. Ask your parents for help by calling out words or testing you on information.
  22. Collect all the materials that you will need for the day at the end of your study period.  Put them in one place, all ready to go for the next morning.

Study Tips


Preparing to Study

  1. Have your materials ready before you begin.
  2. Keep research materials such as dictionaries easily available.
  3. Keep a supply of pens, sharpened pencils, erasers, paper clips, scissors, ruler, etc., in a desk or box.
  4. Find and keep a good writing pen, one that you like to use.
  5. Make your study area a comfortable place in which to work.
  6. Organize your thoughts, materials and yourself before you begin.
  7. Start assignments with a positive attitude.
  8. Ask questions in class.
  9. Ask for help (teacher, parent, student) as soon as you do not understand.
  10. Keep a notebook for each class and put all handouts, notes, tests, etc., in this one place.
  11. Have a “study buddy” – get the phone number of a student in each class whom you can call when you are absent.
  12. Scheduling Your Study Time
  13. Master Calendar – buy or make yourself a weekly or monthly calendar.  Write down due dates.  Spread the work out on the calendar.  Stick to the schedule.
  14. Keep track of the daily homework assignments in a notebook.  List assignments that you are required to do, when it is due, how it is to be done, and special directions.
  15. Learn how to set priorities.  (Example:  study for the test that takes place the next day rather than draw the map that is due next week.)
  16. Have a set study time and set free time.
  17. Know when and how you study best, before or after meals, immediately after school or later in the evening…one full hour straight or two half-hour segments?  Be aware of your up times and down times.  Know your rhythm.
  18. A schedule can save you time and energy in your studying; it keeps you from getting important things and helps you to see how much you have to do.  It also helps you to organize your time and to set priorities.
  19. Weekends are good for working on projects.
  20. Exercise – Put it into your daily schedule.

Scheduling Your Study Time

  1. Master Calendar – buy or make yourself a weekly or monthly calendar.  Write down due dates.  Spread the work out on the calendar.  Stick to the schedule.
  2. Keep track of the daily homework assignments in a notebook.  List assignments that you are required to do, when it is due, how it is to be done, and special directions.
  3. Learn how to set priorities.  (Example:  study for the test that takes place the next day rather than draw the map that is due next week.)
  4. Have a set study time and set free time.
  5. Know when and how you study best, before or after meals, immediately after school or later in the evening…one full hour straight or two half-hour segments?  Be aware of your up times and down times.  Know your rhythm.
  6. A schedule can save you time and energy in your studying; it keeps you from getting important things and helps you to see how much you have to do.  It also helps you to organize your time and to set priorities.
  7. Weekends are good for working on projects.
  8. Exercise – Put it into your daily schedule.