Parents/Students » Grading


Course grades are assigned according to a four-point scale, using letters for marks as follows:

Letter Grades

          A     –      Excellent                …………………………..             4

          B     –      Above Average        ………………………………..   3

          C     –      Average                 …………………………………   2

          D     –      Below Average        ………………………………… 1

          F      –      Unsatisfactory         ……………………………….    0

D’s are not accepted by colleges/universities.  Students who receive D’s as a final grade are encouraged to repeat their class for greater knowledge, skills and grade improvement.

The mark of “Inc.” on a quarter report indicates an incomplete mark; “P” indicates pass, “N.C.” indicates no credit, “N.G.” – No Grade.

Grading Periods

Grading occurs several times during the year.  At the end of five (5) weeks, a progress report will be given; at the end of each quarter, a report listing grades will be mailed home.  The official class grades, however, are the ones issued at the end of each semester.

Citizenship Grades

Citizenship grades reflecting the following traits – reliability, cooperation and consideration of others are assigned using letters for marks as follows:

          O     –      Outstanding

          S     –      Satisfactory

          W    –      Warning

          U     –      Unsatisfactory